What Are You Bold About?
In April, we’ll focus on what makes you unique and how you can leverage it for success.
Let’s start by helping you get clearer about who you are. Take a look at these attributes and think about where you fall on each continuum.
Big-Picture Focused——————————————————Detail-Oriented
Deep Expertise———————————————————Broad Knowledge
Energizing ————————————————————————-Steadying
Analytical —————————————————————————–Intuitive
Risk Taker———————————————————————–Risk Spotter
There are no right or wrong answers because there is value in each and every attribute. For instance, we need people who can energize a group around a new project, and we need people who exude steadiness and calm in a crisis. The key is to recognize your own qualities and their value, and to be bold in how you use them.
To help you do this, answer the following questions:
- What is the value of this attribute – to my team, peers, and company?
- What one example in the past 3 months demonstrates the value that I bring using this attribute?
- How can I more boldly bring this attribute into my work (e.g., to advance a specific project or goal, or resolve an issue)
This week, choose one attribute to focus on. Then look for at least one opportunity to be bold in leveraging it. Join us throughout April as we keep exploring this area.