Give Yourself a Gift Tomorrow

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Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. It’s a day in which we shower our loved ones with cards, gifts and attention. And if we’re lucky, we are on the receiving end of some of that too! But while you are busy giving to others – don’t forget yourself. Give yourself a gift tomorrow – a gift of self-care.

Although some believe self-care is a luxury or a “nice-to-have,” research shows that proactively managing your own energy can have a lasting impact. Energy management is often an underutilized practice, yet key to your professional and personal success. I see this time and again with my clients. As you may have experienced, when you feel drained it can quickly lead to a negative attitude, burnout or resentment. Resist the temptation to keep giving and giving – without taking time to fill yourself up with what energizes you.

If you are someone who regularly puts everyone else’s needs before your own (i.e., you are last on your own list or perhaps not even on the list at all), identify one step you will take tomorrow towards self-care. And while you’re buying those Valentine’s cards and flowers, consider giving yourself a gift. My book Show Up. Step Up. Step Out. offers bite-sized nuggets designed to nourish you – and accelerate your results. Pick a chapter every two weeks and try out the easy-to-implement strategies. You will be amazed by how investing less than 15 minutes a week can help you get more of what you want. So set the tone for the rest of the year and practice some self-care tomorrow. Remember that by taking care of yourself, you will show up differently ̶ with less resentment, fatigue, and burnout. And you’ll get more done in less time.

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